Our Team
Angela DesBarres
Designer of Professional Learning
Angela retired from Grande Prairie Public School Division after 32 years of service as a classroom teacher, academic support, teacher librarian, administrator, AISI coordinator and the last 10 years as Director of Teaching and Learning. She has a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta and a Master of Science in Education with a focus in Elementary Literacy and
Reading from Walden University.
Angela currently teaches for the Teacher Education North Program at Grande Prairie Regional College.
Angela’s passion is supporting teachers in becoming confident in their abilities to promote student success by implementing research based best practices, instructional strategies and good assessment. She truly believes that teaching is the ability to first know your students and to know where you need to take them. Know your curriculum, have a toolbox of research based best practices and assessments and then draw on these to meet the needs of your students.
Areas Of Expertise
•Concept based learning and teaching
•Lesson planning
•Research based best practices in implementing curriculum outcomes
Elementary Literacy
•Early literacy
•Literacy Intervention
•Literacy across the curriculum
•Reciprocal teaching and literature circles
•Optimum Learning through a focus on LQS #6
•Administrator professional growth
•Next steps with student data
•Collaborative Learning Culture
"If you give a person a fish, you feed him/her for the day. If you teach him/her to fish, you feed him/her for a lifetime.'
"If we can support our teachers with the tools and best practices to teach any child, we are not only building teacher efficacy, we are also contributing to the success of all our students."