Learning Opportunities

String Stories across the Curriculum

Presented By

Anne Glover

Series Sessions

Date Time
Monday, April 26, 2021 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


In Person TBA to be announced, to be announced, AB

In this hands-on, interactive workshop, we will explore the classroom applications of storytelling and the age-old game of string figures.  We demystify the notion of “story” and understand how universal and versatile it is, and how easy to apply to various areas of the curriculum. There will be activities to guide teachers in telling stories, and to show how students’ learning can be deepened by their own telling of stories. String figures, on their own or in combination with stories, are enormously engaging, and can also be extended across the curriculum. Anne has toured world-wide performing for thousands of schools, and she always leaves enthusiastic string-play in her wake.  In 30 years on the road and in the classroom, Anne has seen “string stories” strengthen language, math, reading, social studies and science programs. They develop patience, improve behaviour, and build community. Join us for this unforgettable day of exploring and learning together, and finish the day with skills and material you can take straight into the classroom.


How does the session relate to  T.Q.S (Teacher Quality Standards): (type in below here)


Like teaching, storytelling is all about fostering effective relationships. We need to connect to the listener, to the material, to the world around us and to our own experiences. Teachers will deepen their relationships with peers throughout the day as they work, play and laugh together,  acquiring new skills that will strenghten bonds with their students. Stories and string figures, with roots in all cultures around the world, are perfect for an inclusive environment, as they create connections across all barriers. Participants will dig into their professional body of knowledge and learn new ways to convey concepts and fresh angles on old lessons. Anne shares specific tips on how stories and string games help establish an inclusive learning environment, and can be adapted across the curriculum.


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